Plastic pollution(1/2)
“Do we have the courage to face the reality of our time, and allow ourselves to feel deeply enough that it transform us and our future”
Such scenery has become a treasure.
But this, isn’t uncommon for us to see.
Now, plastic pollution has become one of the biggest problem in our world.
It is found in every corner of the globe, whether in the Gulf of Mexico, or the Bay of Bengal. Plastic pollution spreads all over the five oceans.
Even in the deepest part of our oceans, the Mariana Trench.
Experts say the problem of plastic pollution is getting worse and worse, and this situation must stop.
The United Nations estimates that there are about 51 trillion plastic particles just in our ocean, 500 times the number of stars in the Milky Way.
Can I just get a show of hands if you knows the Midway Island.
Ok, and when I asked, most of the people will respond that, where Or Midway Island, yes, an important military stronghold during World War II and even now.
But, who ever notice the tragedy that is happening there.
This is Midway Island, a beautiful place that become a National Wildlife Reserve. Every July and August, tens of thousands of □□ albatrosses gather over Midway Island, with white shadows covering most of the blue sky. Pairs of albatrosses come back from the distant ocean to feed the young albatross. And for hundreds of years, they have shared this □□all island with turtles and pelicans, and allowed the Midway Island have the reputation of \"paradise on earth\".
But how can it called the paradise on earth, if, it’s looks like this, this and this.
Those \"islanders\" are facing the greatest threat ever. The decaying albatross corpses under the scorching sun, surrounded by sheets of plastic garbage. Opening up the bodies of young albatrosses, their bellies were full of undissolved colored plastic garbage: lighters, bottle caps, combs, toothbrush handle, plastic fragments of various shapes.... These plastics are the food that the albatrosses’-parents brought back to their children by flying thousands of miles.
Thousands of young birds died in tragic ways before they could wait for their first flight to sea in □□hood. A few months old albatross cub contained seven or eight kinds of plastic waste in its abdomen, and a third of its stomach was filled with plastic, prevents them from eating other foods. Sometimes plastic debris can even cut their esophagus, leading to suffocation, starvation and dehydration.
But, don’t just think that it’s only affecting their life.